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The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office has funded hundreds of projects across the country that advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and technologies.


Project Initiative/Award Awardee Status Date
Boat Energy Transition Accelerator 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector Alaska Longline Fisherman's Association In progress Oct 2023

States impacted:

  • Alaska

Boat Energy Transition Accelerator

The objective of the project is to demonstrate three hybrid or all electric propulsion technologies in commercial fishing vessels and mariculture vessels in Alaska. The project aims to reduce emissions from the vessels by 50% in a troll fishery, 50% in a gill net fishery and 100% in a mariculture vessel, prove economic viability and accelerate adoption in the industry.

Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector.

$631,000 award from DOE

$631,000 matching funds (cost share)


  • Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities