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The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office has funded hundreds of projects across the country that advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and technologies.


Project Initiative/Award Awardee Status Date
U.S. Fuels Across America’s Highways - Michigan to Montana (M2M) 2016 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Community Partner Projects Gas Technology Institute In progress May 2017

States impacted:

  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • Wisconsin

U.S. Fuels Across America’s Highways - Michigan to Montana (M2M)

The Gas Technology Institute is collaborating with regional stakeholders to create an alternative fuel corridor along Interstate 94 from Port Huron, Michigan to Billings, Montana. The U.S. Fuels Across America’s Highways – Michigan to Montana (M2M) project will develop fueling infrastructure for electric, compressed natural gas (CNG), and propane vehicles, accelerate the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles, and establish community-based partnerships to support the corridor.

As of 2019, the M2M team has conducted a needs analysis to identify fueling gaps along the M2M corridor, coordinated with state officials to install Alternative Fuel Corridor signage in Michigan and Minnesota, and conducted outreach at two dozen events. The project has installed a combination of DC fast chargers and Level 2 chargers in Tomah, Wisconsin and Moorhead, MN; begun site planning for three publicly accessible CNG stations in Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois; and assisted CTS in adding 10 additional CNG trucks to their fleet. The project will result in a total of approximately 15 new fueling stations including electric, CNG, and propane stations and approximately 60 CNG long-haul trucks that will support stations along the corridor.

Learn more about the 2016 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Community Partner Projects.

$5,000,000 award from DOE

$5,256,000 matching funds (cost share)


  • American Lung Association
  • Illinois Alliance for Clean Transportation
  • Michigan Clean Cities
  • Drive Clean Indiana
  • Wisconsin Clean Cities
  • Trillium CNG
  • Kwik Trip
  • Contract Transport Services, LLC
  • ZEF Energy
  • Minnesota Clean Cities Coalition
  • North Dakota Clean Cities
  • Ozinga ReadyMix
Charged by Public Power - Community Voices and Community Choice 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector Marin Clean Energy In progress Oct 2023

States impacted:

  • California

Charged by Public Power - Community Voices and Community Choice

The objectives of this project are to engage and collaborate with disadvantaged community stakeholders in the planning for, installation of, and deployment of electric vehicle chargers (EVSE) and clean mobility solutions; and from these experiences, to develop best practices for improved future electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure investments in disadvantaged communities.

Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector.

$1,000,000 award from DOE

$279,000 matching funds (cost share)

Engaging Neighbors About Electric Vehicles in Underserved Places (EVEN-UP) 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector Frontier Energy, Inc. In progress Oct 2023

States impacted:

  • California

Engaging Neighbors About Electric Vehicles in Underserved Places (EVEN-UP)

The objective of this project is to engage residents and businesses in 6-8 neighborhoods in Justice 40 regions of Sacramento County in a collaborative effort to define the community benefits of electric vehicle (EV) charging, identify neighborhood sites for mobility hubs, and install electric vehicle charging equipment in alignment with community priorities.

Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector.

$1,291,000 award from DOE

$334,000 matching funds (cost share)


  • Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition
Rural Reimagined: Building an Electric Vehicle Ecosystem and Green Economy for Transforming Lives in Economically Distressed Appalachia 2021 Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projects Tennessee Technological University In progress Nov 2021

States impacted:

  • Tennessee

Rural Reimagined: Building an Electric Vehicle Ecosystem and Green Economy for Transforming Lives in Economically Distressed Appalachia

The objective of the project is to develop, demonstrate, and deploy a replicable program for expanding clean and affordable electrified transportation to underserved communities through electric vehicle (EV) and EV infrastructure deployment, data analysis, education, and outreach that leverages real-world data and lessons learned collected from these communities over the course of the project. Developing an EV Ecosystem in rural Appalachia will include educational outreach, vehicle and infrastructure development, workforce training, data collection, and analysis.

For more information on this project, check the Technology Integration 2022 Annual Report or Annual Merit Review presentation.

Learn more about the 2021 Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projects.

$4,013,000 award from DOE

$4,013,000 matching funds (cost share)

Northwest Electric Showcase Project (Drive Oregon) Plug‐In Electric Vehicle Local Showcases Forth Complete Oct 2016

States impacted:

  • Oregon
  • Washington

Northwest Electric Showcase Project (Drive Oregon)

Through the Northwest Electric Showcase Project, Forth aimed to double the plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) adoption rates in the Pacific Northwest by 2019 through physical, ‘pop up,’ and virtual online PEV showcases. These showcases were a brand-neutral and sales-free environment that featured ride and drive opportunities which aimed to significantly increase PEV sales. Forth acquired eight different EV models that were used for the ride and drives.

The largest showcase was the semi-permanent “Go Forth Electric Showcase” room in downtown Portland. This room displayed multiple PEV charging stations to view and handle, interactive displays and surveys, educational materials, and the ability to test drive a PEV through a ride and drive experience. Forth also partnered with local organizations to host over 60 mobile showcases at workplaces and community events throughout Oregon and Washington. As of 2019, Forth facilitated over 1,600 test drives and hosted over 6,00 visitors to their showcases.

Learn more about the Plug‐In Electric Vehicle Local Showcases.

$993,000 award from DOE

$1,297,000 matching funds (cost share)

Electric Vehicle Smart Program Management: Supporting Local Governments to Achieve Equitable Access to Electric Mobility 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. In progress Oct 2023

States impacted:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Illinois
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Ohio
  • Texas
  • Virginia

Electric Vehicle Smart Program Management: Supporting Local Governments to Achieve Equitable Access to Electric Mobility

The Electric Vehicle Smart program will assist local governments in setting and achieving their EV readiness goals as well as promoting equitable access to electric mobility. Four overarching project objectives drive the Recipient’s approach to maximize program impact:1. Facilitate technical assistance (TA) and designation of at least 60 EV Smart communities. 2. Prioritize key objectives identified in the Justice 40 Initiative by developing tools to support equitable access to EVs and EV charging.3. Collaboratively work with four Clean Cities Coalitions (CCCs) to provide TA across communities in Virginia, Colorado, north Texas, southern California, and continuation of Great Plain’s Institute’s (GPI) pilots in Michigan, Ohio, & Minnesota, and Metropolitan Mayor’s Caucus’ (MMC) work in the Chicago area. 4. Develop and test an EV Smart Infrastructure Modeling Tool to enable local leaders and planning agencies to quickly and easily develop a sense of the EV charging infrastructure demand based on anticipated levels of EV adoption.

Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector.

$755,000 award from DOE

$755,000 matching funds (cost share)


  • Virginia Clean Cities
  • Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities
  • Long Beach Clean Cities
  • Drive Clean Colorado
  • Great Plains Institute
  • Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
  • Tesla
  • EVgo
  • Shell Recharge
  • ChargePoint
  • Edison Electric Institute
Acadia National Park National Parks Initiative Maine Clean Communities Complete Sep 2015

States impacted:

  • Maine

Acadia National Park

At Acadia National Park, visitors and staff can travel among park destinations, inns, campgrounds, and neighboring communities on buses powered by alternative fuels. In 2014, the park worked with Maine Clean Communities to introduce eight alternative and fuel-efficient vehicles to replace existing vehicles. Acadia National Park also installed two public electric vehicle charging stations.

Learn more about the National Parks Initiative.


  • Maine Clean Communities
NFPA Spurs the Safe Adoption of Electric Vehicles through Education and Outreach 2020 Innovative Vehicle Technologies Projects National Fire Protection Association In progress Oct 2020

States impacted:

  • Alabama
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Wyoming

NFPA Spurs the Safe Adoption of Electric Vehicles through Education and Outreach

Community preparedness planning and collaboration among electric vehicle ecosystem stakeholders can result in a greater understanding of electric vehicles and their benefits, more incentives for ownership, increased safety, and a more accommodating infrastructure, and can lead to increased EV adoption on the nation's roadways. In this project, NFPA augments its world-class, web-based EV training programs to include additional modules for charging station installers, code officials, utilities, dealerships, fleet owners, garages/maintenance facilities, insurance companies, and vehicle owners. NFPA is also expanding its existing crash reconstruction and tow and salvage operator programs to reflect the latest safety knowledge and tactics. The project involves developing a digital facilitation toolkit for Clean Cities coalitions and advising and assisting selected coalitions that will be responsible for conducting approximately 30 community preparedness assessment workshops for local community stakeholders.

For more information on this project, check the Technology Integration 2021 Annual Report or the 2022 Annual Merit Review presentation and the 2023 Annual Merit Review presentation.

Learn more about the 2020 Innovative Vehicle Technologies Projects.

$678,000 award from DOE

$678,000 matching funds (cost share)

St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors (SiLVERS) 2020 Innovative Vehicle Technologies Projects Forth In progress Oct 2020

States impacted:

  • Missouri

St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors (SiLVERS)

St. Louis, Missouri, is a diverse Midwestern city that has encountered a half-century of economic downturn, with its population diminishing from 850,000 to 300,000 since 1950. Additionally, with no local or state incentives for electric vehicles (EVs), access to both EVs and charging infrastructure has been limited. The overall goal of the St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors (SiLVERS) project is to increase EV adoption and reduce transportation-related operating expenses for social service agencies in low-income communities. The project seeks to increase EV adoption by validating that EV fleets can save social service agencies money on transportation operation costs while improving service delivery, providing access to electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) for employees and community members, and developing tools and best practices for use by community-based organizations and social service agencies nationwide, allowing them to replicate this approach.

For more information on this project, check the Technology Integration 2021 Annual Report or the 2022 Annual Merit Review presentation and the 2023 Annual Merit Review presentation.

Learn more about the 2020 Innovative Vehicle Technologies Projects.

$500,000 award from DOE

$532,000 matching funds (cost share)

Cold-Weather Operation, Observation, and Learning Electric Vehicles (COOL EVs) 2020 Innovative Vehicle Technologies Projects American Lung Association In progress Sep 2020

States impacted:

  • Minnesota

Cold-Weather Operation, Observation, and Learning Electric Vehicles (COOL EVs)

The Cold-Weather Operation, Observation and Learning with Electric Vehicles (COOL EVs) project will support the deployment of four medium- and heavy-duty battery electric vehicles (EVs) in three community fleets in Minnesota. This project is strategically designed to overcome the challenges of cold weather operation, which is crucial to advance EV fleet applications. The four all-electric vehicles included in this application are two box trucks with different applications, a medium-duty passenger van, and a school bus. The fleets will share some resources, including training, technology, and project management support.

For more information on this project, check the Technology Integration 2021 Annual Report or the 2022 Annual Merit Review presentation and the 2023 Annual Merit Review presentation.

Learn more about the 2020 Innovative Vehicle Technologies Projects.

$997,000 award from DOE


  • Eureka Recycling
  • Eastern Carver School District
  • Xcel Energy
  • Minnesota Clean Cities Coalition