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The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office has funded hundreds of projects across the country that advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and technologies.
Project | Initiative/Award | Awardee | Status | Date |
Organizing and Supporting Underserved Communities to Design, Implement, and Use Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | American Lung Association | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Organizing and Supporting Underserved Communities to Design, Implement, and Use Electric Vehicle Charging InfrastructureThe objective of the project is to deeply engage the community in identifying how transportation electrification can help meet community transportation needs and reduce cost and pollution burdens for residents of Saint Paul’s East Side. The project will engage underserved communities to discuss how investments in electric vehicle (EV) chargers can benefit the community. The project will engage and work with up to four community organizations to identify potential sites and install 10 new EV charging hubs with 40 Level 2 charge ports in the public right of way. Two series of workshops will be held to evaluate whether the EV chargers provide the anticipated benefits. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,670,000 award from DOE $915,000 matching funds (cost share) Partners
Michigan's Vehicle Technology Transition Impact Project (MiVTTP) | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | University of Michigan | In progress | Jan 2023 |
States impacted:
Michigan's Vehicle Technology Transition Impact Project (MiVTTP)The objective of the project is to conduct community-driven strategic planning through detailed listening and strategic planning sessions in underserved communities as identified throughout Michigan. Insights gathered through listening sessions will be used to inform strategic plans to assist communities in developing new opportunities for growth and development to offset losses and prepare for the transportation decarbonization transition - that is a more just transition - through access to technical assistance and workforce training initiatives. This planning will ease or overcome negative impacts on underserved communities, contribute to higher than projected quality jobs, and acceptance of decarbonized transportation options, as well as manufacturing related industry wage growth and stability. The project approach is innovative and first-of-its-kind forward-thinking, using a proven, equity-centered engagement process developed to overcome the impact of bias in planning activities. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,995,000 award from DOE Partners
Assuring Equitable Access and Building Technical Capacity for Transportation Decarbonization Among Native Nations | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | Washington State University | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Assuring Equitable Access and Building Technical Capacity for Transportation Decarbonization Among Native NationsThis project has multiple objectives, as follows:
Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,691,000 award from DOE $54,000 matching funds (cost share) |
Accelerating Transportation Decarbonization with Underserved Communities in California's Central Coast and South Bay Regions | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | Community Environmental Council | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Accelerating Transportation Decarbonization with Underserved Communities in California's Central Coast and South Bay RegionsThe objective of the project is to accelerate the equitable decarbonization of our transportation sector with Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) in California's Central Coast and South Bay regions. Community-based organizations (CBOs) who represent DACs will have a role in the project, and peer educators will support the project’s capacity building, outreach and education, technical assistance, and workforce training activities. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$2,000,000 award from DOE Partners
Colorado Clean Mobility Strategic Planning | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | CALSTART, Inc. | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Colorado Clean Mobility Strategic PlanningThe recipient and its partners will engage communities across Colorado that face higher obstacles to zero-emission mobility to develop community-driven plans for multimodal, zero-emission mobility with a path toward their implementation. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,778,000 award from DOE Partners
Community-Driven Transportation Plans for the Northeast | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Community-Driven Transportation Plans for the NortheastThe project will establish a replicable framework for developing, supporting, and advancing community-owned clean transportation implementation plans. The project will support a cohort of communities to develop community-led clean transportation audits, undertake a program of community engagement, knowledge-building, training, and technical assistance, and develop implementation plans for community-identified clean transportation projects. The project will include rural and urban communities and use a community of practice model to share cross-community knowledge and provide widely accessible education and training. It is intended to produce actionable, community-owned implementation plans for the cohort communities and replicable tools and models for other communities. The project is lead by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership and involves two Clean Cities Coalitions: Vermont Clean Cities and Connecticut Southwest Area Clean Cities. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,965,000 award from DOE Partners
Decarbonizing App-Based Deliveries in San Francisco | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | City and County of San Francisco | In progress | Sep 2023 |
States impacted:
Decarbonizing App-Based Deliveries in San FranciscoThis project aims to quantify and demonstrate the benefits of using electric bicycles (e-bikes) for application- (app) based deliveries, by identifying the economic and non-economic advantages of using e-bikes to make deliveries of food and consumer goods. The project will collect and use extensive data to quantify improvements in operational efficiency, increases worker safety, increases worker earnings, reduces demand on the curb, reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and vehicle congestion, while creating workforce development opportunities. The also plan s to develop an online resource for users to quickly determine if e-bikes are appropriate for their needs. This project will decarbonize transportation emissions by informing effective and comprehensive clean mobility policies, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and establish a clear business case for app-based delivery companies and its workers to increase the use of e-bikes instead of driving. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$606,000 award from DOE $606,000 matching funds (cost share) Partners
MD-HD ZEV Infrastructure Planning with Focus on I-80 Midwest (IN-IL-OH) Corridor | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | Cummins, Inc. | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
MD-HD ZEV Infrastructure Planning with Focus on I-80 Midwest (IN-IL-OH) CorridorThis project will develop ZEV infrastructure plans for the Midwest I-80 corridor (IN-OH-IL) and the state of Indiana. First, POLARIS transportation energy models of the I-80 IN-OH-IL corridor and the state of Indiana highway system will be developed. Then, the transportation energy models will be used to plan the required location for the ZEV infrastructure. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,250,000 award from DOE $332,000 matching funds (cost share) Partners
Guaranteeing Access to Underserved and Marginalized Populations by Building Employment Opportunities (GUMBO) | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | Louisiana Clean Fuels | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Guaranteeing Access to Underserved and Marginalized Populations by Building Employment Opportunities (GUMBO)The Guaranteeing Access to Underserved and Marginalized Populations by Building Employment Opportunities (GUMBO) project seeks to provide and offer electric vehicle educational curriculum via Louisiana Clean Fuels (LCF) to regional and national training partners. This project will provide valuable support to provide education and training for electric vehicle charging related careers and create a long-term plan to support a framework for communication and support for key market actors. A resource package will be developed to help ensure that partners feel comfortable approaching their key stakeholders. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,250,000 award from DOE Partners
Expanding Regional Electric Vehicle Charging Access with Tribal Nations Based on Community Priorities | 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector | Native Sun Community Power Development | In progress | Oct 2023 |
States impacted:
Expanding Regional Electric Vehicle Charging Access with Tribal Nations Based on Community PrioritiesThe objectives of this Native-led public-private partnership project are to address electric vehicle (EV) barriers for Tribal members in the western Great Lakes region and demonstrate EV charging equipment in Tribal communities providing equitable access to clean, affordable transportation in rural, underserved Tribal communities. Project objectives will be accomplished through community engagement and planning; the installation of approximately 15 Level 2 charging equipment in strategic community locations; working with regional utilities to facilitate direct current fast charging station installation in priority locations for Tribes; collecting and analyzing data to quantify community benefits; and a robust education and outreach effort reaching Tribal leaders, potential site hosts, utilities, and other stakeholders. The project will take place in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. The project will involve three Clean Cities Coalitions: Minnesota Clean Cities, Wisconsin Clean Cities, and Michigan Clean Cities. Learn more about the 2022 Projects for the Electrification of America's Transportation Sector. |
$1,670,000 award from DOE $419,000 matching funds (cost share) Partners