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The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office has funded hundreds of projects across the country that advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and technologies.


Project Initiative/Award Awardee Status Date
Drive Electric Florida Electric Vehicle Community Readiness South Florida Regional Planning Council Complete Sep 2011

States impacted:

  • Florida

Drive Electric Florida

The project prepared the South Florida region's communities for successful and accelerated deployment of plug-in electric vehicles and infrastructure. This project developed a plan to address technical, commercial, market and regulatory barriers to support EV infrastructure and vehicle adoption.

Learn more about the Electric Vehicle Community Readiness.

$500,000 award from DOE

Creating an Alternative Fuel Vehicle Training Network for Florida Alternative Fuel Vehicle Deployment Initiatives University of Central Florida In progress Mar 2015

States impacted:

  • Florida

Creating an Alternative Fuel Vehicle Training Network for Florida

The Creating an Alternative Fuel Vehicle Training Network for Florida project will establish an alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) training network for the state of Florida that adapts safety and technical training based on existing curricula for local needs. This project will establish training on electric drive, CNG and propane vehicles for first responders, college instructors, tow-truck operators, and salvage/recycling operators. Hands-on training will be supported with vehicles provided by the National Association of Fleet Managers. The project intends to integrate first responder training into standard curriculum in partnership with the Florida Department of Education and the State Fire Marshall.

Learn more about the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Deployment Initiatives.

$600,000 award from DOE

$150,000 matching funds (cost share)


  • Central Florida Clean Cities Coalition
  • Southeast Florida Clean Cities Coalition
  • Tampa Bay Clean Cities Coalition