Western Washington Clean Cities and Communities

The Western Washington Clean Cities and Communities works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Contact Information

General Stats

  • Designated: August 13, 1998
  • Population: 5,285,510 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
  • Area: 21,247 sq. mi.
  • Local/Regional Service Area: Counties (including tribal lands): Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan Island, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom

Alternative Fueling Stations

Including public and private stations

  • Biodiesel (B20 and above): 19
  • Electric (charging outlets): 6,000
  • Ethanol (E85): 9
  • Hydrogen: 1
  • Natural Gas: 17
  • Propane: 50

Energy Use Impact*

Annual Energy Impact
17,887,630 gasoline gallon equivalents
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3DownloadAnnual Petroleum SavingsAlternative Fuel VehiclesFuel Economy ImprovementsFuel Economy Improve…Idle ReductionsOff Road VehiclesElectric & Plug-In VehiclesElectric & Plug-In Vehicl…Hybrid VehiclesVehicle Miles Traveled ReductionsVehicle Miles Traveled Re…

Annual Energy Impact by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type
13,388,478 gasoline gallon equivalents
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3DownloadAnnual Petroleum Savings by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project TypeBiodieselNatural Gas (CNG)Ethanol (E85)Electric & Plug-In VehiclesElectric & Plug-In Vehicl…Hybrid VehiclesLiquefied Natural GasPropane (LPG)Plug-in Hybrid

Emissions Reduced*

Annual Emissions Reduced
118,315 tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e)
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3DownloadAnnual Greenhouse Gas Emission AvoidedAlternative Fuel VehiclesFuel Economy ImprovementsFuel Economy Improve…Idle ReductionsOff Road VehiclesElectric & Plug-In VehiclesElectric & Plug-In Vehicl…Hybrid VehiclesVehicle Miles Traveled ReductionsVehicle Miles Traveled Re…

Emissions Reduced by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type
65,390 tons of CO2e
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3DownloadGreenhouse Gas Emission Reduced by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project TypeBiodieselNatural Gas (CNG)Ethanol (E85)Electric & Plug-In VehiclesElectric & Plug-In Vehicl…Hybrid VehiclesLiquefied Natural GasPropane (LPG)Plug-in Hybrid
*2022 DOE-Verified Metrics

Michael Graham

Michael S. Graham is the current Director for the Western Washington Clean Cities and Communities coalition and the Director of Policy & Communications at the Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Coalition.

Graham’s career goal is to support fleet decarbonization and operational cost reductions through cost‐effective alternative fuel solutions. He currently focuses on collaborating and problem solving with local fleets across Oregon and Washington to help them adopt cleaner fuels and technologies where economically practical.

Graham co‐authored Oregon’s first Statewide Inventory of Biogas & Renewable Natural Gas Resources (2017) at the Oregon Department of Energy. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon with both a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies and a Masters in Community & Regional Planning