Utah Clean Cities
The Utah Clean Cities works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

1953 South 1100 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84152
General Stats
- Designated: October 03, 1994
- Population: 3,283,809 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
- Area: 84,899 sq. mi.
- Local/Regional Service Area: Entire state of Utah including tribal lands
Alternative Fueling Stations
Including public and private stations

- Biodiesel (B20 and above): 1
- Electric (charging outlets): 2,804
- Ethanol (E85): 2
- Hydrogen: 0
- Natural Gas: 39
- Propane: 40
Energy Use Impact*
Annual Energy ImpactEmissions Reduced*
Annual Emissions Reduced
Tammie Bostick
Tammie Bostick leads Utah Clean Cities (UCC) as executive director with a passion for clean fuels, clean air and clean strategies. She is a Utah native and a graduate from the University of Utah with a degree in organizational communications
In 2019, Bostick was elected as Vice President of Communications on a federally-focused Clean Cities advocacy-board, Transportation Energy Partners, TEP. She is also the current Northwest Clean Cities Regional Council member 2019-2021.
Bostick presents locally and nationally on the future of transportation and climate communication focusing on actionable steps for fleets that include advanced fuels, vehicles and visionary thinking. She leads the current team at UCC as the primary investigator for two Department of Energy Vehicle Technology grants focused on electrification in Zion National Park and the alternative fuel corridors of the western region states.
Learn about just some of the projects from Utah Clean Cities. Visit the Utah Clean Cities website for more projects and information.
Projects and Case Studies- The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Curriculum Development and Outreach Initiative
- Utah Clean Cities Transportation Sector Petroleum Reduction Technologies
- Zion National Park
- Pipe Spring National Monument
- Cedar Breaks National Monument
- Aggregated Alternative Technology Alliance
- WestSmartEV: Western Smart Plug-in Electric Vehicle Community Partnership
- EVZion: East Zion National Park Electric Vehicle Shuttle System Plan
- CORWest: Supporting Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Along Rural Corridors in the Intermountain West
- Internal Combustion Engine Mechanics Introduction to Electric Vehicle Repair: A National Franchise Training Model for Diversifying the Expertise of Today's Auto Technician
- Wasatch Front Multi-Modal Corridor Electrification Plan
- Electric School Buses Bring Air Quality Benefits to Utah
- Natural Gas School Buses Reward Utah District with Fuel Savings, Breath of Cleaner Air
- Natural Gas Fuels Utah's Disposal Services, Cuts Fuel Costs
- Utah's Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Loan Program