Southern Nevada Clean Cities Coalition
The Southern Nevada Clean Cities Coalition works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Las Vegas, NV 89155
General Stats
- Designated: November 21, 2024
- Population: 2,265,926 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
- Area: 7,892 sq. mi.
- Local/Regional Service Area: Clark County including Tribal lands
Alternative Fueling Stations
Including public and private stations

- Biodiesel (B20 and above): 3
- Electric (charging outlets): 1,763
- Ethanol (E85): 19
- Hydrogen: 0
- Natural Gas: 2
- Propane: 12

Nicole Wargo
Nicole Wargo is the Director of the Southern Nevada Clean Cities Coalition and was responsible for leading the Coalition through its designation process into the Clean Cities & Communities Network, a status it earned in November 2024. In addition to Director, she is also a Fellow for Clark County’s Department of Environment and Sustainability and holds a master’s degree in Sustainability from Harvard University.