Ocean State Clean Cities

The Ocean State Clean Cities works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Contact Information

General Stats

  • Designated: September 14, 1998
  • Population: 1,094,250 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
  • Area: 1,088 sq. mi.
  • Local/Regional Service Area: Entire state of Rhode Island including tribal lands

Alternative Fueling Stations

Including public and private stations

  • Biodiesel (B20 and above): 1
  • Electric (charging outlets): 957
  • Ethanol (E85): 0
  • Hydrogen: 0
  • Natural Gas: 1
  • Propane: 5

Energy Use Impact*

Annual Energy Impact

Annual Energy Impact by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type

Emissions Reduced*

Annual Emissions Reduced

Emissions Reduced by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type
*2022 DOE-Verified Metrics

Chelsea Priest

Chelsea Priest is the Co-Director of Ocean State Clean Cities. She joined the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s (RIDEM) Office of Air Resources in 2022 as an Air Quality Specialist, working on and overseeing programs to mitigate the impacts of climate change. She is currently working on zero-emission vehicle programs and promoting driving electric. Chelsea has a B.S. in Meteorology from Plymouth State University and prior to joining the RIDEM team worked as a broadcast meteorologist in Providence, Rhode Island for over a decade. Will working in the television industry, she covered environmental and climate related topics that impacted Rhode Island. She is excited to collaborate with OSCCC partners, stakeholders, and Rhode Island communities to lower carbon emissions and work towards a just and environmentally sustainable future.

Learn about just some of the projects from Ocean State Clean Cities. Visit the Ocean State Clean Cities website for more projects and information.

Projects and Case Studies
Cooking Oil Powers Biodiesel Vehicles in Rhode Island
Rhode Island EV Initiative Adds Chargers Across the State