Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition

The Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Contact Information

General Stats

  • Designated: October 18, 1994
  • Population: 4,502,935 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
  • Area: 40,406 sq. mi.
  • Local/Regional Service Area: Entire state of Kentucky

Alternative Fueling Stations

Including public and private stations

  • Biodiesel (B20 and above): 1
  • Electric (charging outlets): 1,049
  • Ethanol (E85): 78
  • Hydrogen: 0
  • Natural Gas: 6
  • Propane: 19

Energy Use Impact*

Annual Energy Impact

Annual Energy Impact by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type

Emissions Reduced*

Annual Emissions Reduced

Emissions Reduced by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type
*2022 DOE-Verified Metrics

Dr. Jagannadh Satyavolu

Dr. Jagannadh Satyavolu is the interim Director for Clean Cities and Communities in Kentucky. He has served on the board of Kentucky Clean Fuels for 12 years. Dr. Satyavolu is a theme leader for Biomass Conversion and Biofuels and an endowed chair in renewable energy at the Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research at the University of Louisville (UofL). Dr. Satyavolu brings with him more than 35 years of expertise in commercial business leadership, operations and capital project management, product and process technology development, industrial and academic research, and teaching. He holds more than 18 US and international patents and has led multiple projects from concept to commercialization with specialization in the area of biomass conversion, bioenergy, biofuels, bioproducts, separations technologies, and process economics.
Dr. Satyavolu received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Ohio State University and prior to joining Conn Center at UofL, he held technical and business leadership positions at Cargill, was a researcher at Battelle Labs, and taught at Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ohio State University. At Conn Center in UofL, Dr. Satyavolu has initiated multiple novel research programs in biomass preprocessing, conversion, and product development such as xylose and C5-platform of products, biomass-derived carbon products, natural fiber- polymer composites. He actively collaborates with faculty and researchers from engineering and science departments at the UofL, other national and International Universities, and National Laboratories on projects, product development and scale up activities. Additionally, Dr. Satyavolu is the founder and CEO of BioProducts, LLC – a company that has the exclusive license to commercialize the developed technologies. BioProducts, LLC is the winner of the inaugural Bourbon Pitch contest promoted by KY Cabinet for Economic Development

Learn about just some of the projects from Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition. Visit the Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition website for more projects and information.

Projects and Case Studies
Electric Buses Hit the Streets in Kentucky
Kentucky Charges Forward with All-Electric Buses
Mammoth Cave National Park Uses Only Alternative Fuel Vehicles