Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition
The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

P.O. Box 73402, 20056-3402
Washington, DC 20009
General Stats
- Designated: October 21, 1993
- Population: 3,195,252 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
- Area: 1,383 sq. mi.
- Local/Regional Service Area: District of Columbia, including Alexandria, VA; Arlington County, VA; City of Fairfax, VA; Fairfax County, VA; Falls Church, VA; Loudoun County, VA; City of Manassas, City of Manassas Park, Prince William County, VA. Works cooperatively with bordering coalitions in Virginia and Maryland.
Alternative Fueling Stations
Including public and private stations

- Biodiesel (B20 and above): 10
- Electric (charging outlets): 4,156
- Ethanol (E85): 22
- Hydrogen: 2
- Natural Gas: 9
- Propane: 18
Energy Use Impact*
Annual Energy ImpactEmissions Reduced*
Annual Emissions Reduced
Antoine Thompson
Antoine M. Thompson is a nationally recognized leader for environmental justice, green business, housing, diversity and urban policy. Antoine is the Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition (GWRCC), a public-private partnership that promotes the use of clean, American transportation fuels for homeland security, improved air quality, environment justice, diversity and inclusion. He is a partner with Creative PMO Solutions, a consulting firm that focuses on diversity, inclusion, workforce development, project management and public affairs.
Learn about just some of the projects from Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition. Visit the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition website for more projects and information.
Projects and Case Studies