Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Contact Information

2000 14th St, NW, Ste 330
P.O. Box 73402, 20056-3402
Washington, DC 20009

General Stats

  • Designated: October 21, 1993
  • Population: 3,195,252 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
  • Area: 1,383 sq. mi.
  • Local/Regional Service Area: District of Columbia, including Alexandria, VA; Arlington County, VA; City of Fairfax, VA; Fairfax County, VA; Falls Church, VA; Loudoun County, VA; City of Manassas, City of Manassas Park, Prince William County, VA. Works cooperatively with bordering coalitions in Virginia and Maryland.

Alternative Fueling Stations

Including public and private stations

  • Biodiesel (B20 and above): 10
  • Electric (charging outlets): 4,156
  • Ethanol (E85): 22
  • Hydrogen: 2
  • Natural Gas: 9
  • Propane: 18

Energy Use Impact*

Annual Energy Impact

Annual Energy Impact by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type

Emissions Reduced*

Annual Emissions Reduced

Emissions Reduced by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type
*2022 DOE-Verified Metrics

Antoine Thompson

Antoine M. Thompson is a nationally recognized leader for environmental justice, green business, housing, diversity and urban policy. Antoine is the Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition (GWRCC), a public-private partnership that promotes the use of clean, American transportation fuels for homeland security, improved air quality, environment justice, diversity and inclusion. He is a partner with Creative PMO Solutions, a consulting firm that focuses on diversity, inclusion, workforce development, project management and public affairs.