Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition

The Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition works with vehicle fleets, fuel providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify community-driven choices that save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Contact Information
15 years

General Stats

  • Designated: October 20, 2009
  • Population: 5,028,092 (based on 2022 Census estimate)
  • Area: 51,654 sq. mi.
  • Local/Regional Service Area: Entire state of Alabama including tribal lands

Alternative Fueling Stations

Including public and private stations

  • Biodiesel (B20 and above): 9
  • Electric (charging outlets): 1,730
  • Ethanol (E85): 37
  • Hydrogen: 0
  • Natural Gas: 19
  • Propane: 57

Energy Use Impact*

Annual Energy Impact

Annual Energy Impact by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type

Emissions Reduced*

Annual Emissions Reduced

Emissions Reduced by Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project Type
*2022 DOE-Verified Metrics

Michael Staley

Michael Staley joined the Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition in July 2019 as the organization's President. Staley brings over seventeen years of experience working alongside leaders in Alabama and Washington, D.C., political, business, and government circles. Staley previously served as Field Representative, District Director, Legislative Director, and Chief of Staff in the congressional office of retired U.S. Representative Spencer Bachus, including as D.C.-based chief of staff from 2007–2014. He also worked as Special Assistant to President Judy Bonner at the University of Alabama and as Senior Policy Adviser at Birmingham law firm Waller Landsen Dortch & Davis. Staley also provides consulting and lobbying services to clients served through Chain Link Solutions, an Alabama-based company he started in 2016. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Business.

Coalition Shares Expertise To Further Electric Vehicle Charging Deployment
Propane Powers School Buses in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Virginia Transportation Corporation Runs Vehicle Haulers in Alabama on Natural Gas
Alabama City Leads With Biodiesel and Ethanol